Jason Audette

Fixed Income Portfolio Manager and Research Analyst
Senior Vice President

Role at Appleton

Jason is a Portfolio Manager and Research Analyst within Appleton’s Fixed Income Group and has been a part of the team since 2011.  He is primarily responsible for the implementation and guidance of the High Grade Intermediate Government Credit and Strategic Municipal Crossover strategies. Jason also serves as a member of Appleton’s Fixed Income Investment Committee, and the Operating and Technology Committee.

Professional Experience
Prior to joining Appleton, Jason worked for BNY Mellon’s Private Wealth Management group where he was a Fixed Income Portfolio Manager and Trader with responsibility for portfolio construction and related trading.

MBA, Northeastern University

B.S., Suffolk University

Personal Notes
Jason resides with his wife and three children in the northwestern suburbs of Boston where they enjoy spending time together in the outdoors. In the winter months, Jason and his family spend their free time skiing and snowboarding in the White Mountains. He also sits on the Board of Examiners for the Eastern Division of the Professional Ski Instructors of America.



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T: 617 – 338 – 0700 x731